One of the biggest misconceptions I hear about marketing is that it boils down to paid media. Start-ups are therefore often reluctant to invest in marketing at the beginning, thinking it will come later, once they have a viable...
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5 steps to grow your brand without paid media
Transform your brand so it can transform the world
In the world of marketing, purpose is a word often used, yet frequently misunderstood. From those who use it as an empty promise to sell more products, to those who believe it is about trying to serve everyone, the...
The counterintuitive secret to brand growth
It can be so tempting to cast a wide net and appeal to the broadest possible audience.
To showcase all the amazing benefits your brand has to offer.
Because why would you want to risk losing anyone who could be interested in your brand?
It is...
Shifting from audiences to communities
I have had conversations recently with several purpose-led brands who are struggling to convert.
All of them believe that marketing and, more specifically media, is the solution to their problem.
But there is a fundamental shift that needs to happen...
How core is purpose to your strategy?
In today’s world, we see a lot of talk about purpose, but less brands are actually walking the talk. You may have a beautifully articulated purpose statement, but unless it serves to make a difference in the world, then it remains just...
Imagining the brands of tomorrow
Have you ever wondered how the constant bombarding of messaging and pushy marketing that we live with every day came to be? Marketing as we know it today not only created but continues to exponentially fuel the consumption economy.
I should know. I...
Plastic free please!
I spent 20 years working in the beauty industry, many of which were in hair care. We were great at adding ingredients, creating new hair benefits and adding on steps to the hair care routine. All this to sell more products. And of course, it worked. We grew the...
Nailing a magnetic brand purpose
Purpose is a word that is often misunderstood. Navigating between a vision, mission, purpose or positioning statement can be confusing.
Throughout my career, I have sat in many workshop sessions to define brand equity, positioning, and in more recent years,...
The secret ingredient to building a love brand.
Drumroll please… Love!
This may seem like one of those, “well duh!” moments, but somehow it seems to be the missing ingredient in how we build and market our brands today.
We get so focused on the product benefits, how...
Stepping Up As Thought Leaders
I recently read an article entitled “we can’t all be Patagonia”. The article was suggesting that most companies still believe that Patagonia is an exception to the norm and that profit and purpose are mutually exclusive.
Where did marketing go wrong?
Consumer culture promises us that we can buy our way to happiness, to success, to fulfilment. It convinces us that the reason we do not yet feel all those things is because we haven’t yet got the latest sports car, the biggest house, the fanciest job...