How core is purpose to your strategy?

How core is purpose to your strategy?


In today’s world, we see a lot of talk about purpose, but less brands are actually walking the talk.  You may have a beautifully articulated purpose statement, but unless it serves to make a difference in the world, then it remains just that, a statement, nothing more.

So I have a little challenge for you! A quiz to determine how core your purpose is to your brand strategy.

Does it inform the decisions you make?

Is it one of the key criteria in your hiring process?

Does it drive your innovation strategy?

Do you use it as a guiding light, especially when times get tough?

Leading with purpose is not about being “less bad”.  Adding ESG and a purpose statement onto marketing as usual isn’t going to cut it to create the quantum leaps that we need to evolve society and create a new economy.

But it is also not about trying to solve all the world’s problems as you will end up doing a little bit of… not much at all.

Being strongly anchored in what your brand stands for is the key to making a difference in the world!

Leading with purpose is about having the vision of changing the world in some way.

Seeing purpose as your North Star to define every action and decision you take.

Putting purpose at the core of your innovation and communication strategies.

Speaking up and publically taking a stand on issues related to your purpose.

And hiring and partnering with those who believe in your purpose and who will talk about it for you.

So let’s make sure your brand is one of the ones making a real difference!

Find out how your brand is doing by answering the 10 questions in our brand purpose quiz:

And if you fancy digging deeper into your brand purpose, then download our free purpose guide which takes you through some reflection questions and a framework to help you articulate a magnetic brand purpose:

Download Your Free Guide


The first step on your journey to positive impact is anchoring in a clear and compelling brand purpose. To help you do just that, we have a FREE purpose guide that walks you through the questions and steps that will enable you to articulate your brand purpose.



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