Shifting from audiences to communities

Shifting from audiences to communities


I have had conversations recently with several purpose-led brands who are struggling to convert.

All of them believe that marketing and, more specifically media, is the solution to their problem.

But there is a fundamental shift that needs to happen first.

Purpose-led brands can’t simply promote their products and go head-to-head with mass brands.

When you are purpose-driven, you are looking to transform the world in some way. To challenge the existing paradigms. This requires shifting mindsets and consumption habits.

As Seth Godin would say, it is no longer about marketing “average stuff for average people


Audiences vs communities

Traditional marketing will have you define your target audience as a group large enough to meet your ambitious sales targets.

Your target audience is generally defined by demographics and, in some cases, some general lifestyle habits. This makes the target identifiable enough to buy mass media against.

For brands that are simply communicating product benefits, this strategy works if you have the funds to invest in sufficient media to be heard above the crowd.

But for brands that are purpose-driven, that are looking to evolve the status quo, this strategy isn’t going to cut it.

To influence behavior, purpose-led bands need to connect with their clients at a much deeper level, through shared values and beliefs.

And, sorry to break it to you, but a brand that is looking to evolve mindsets and transform the world in some way will not be adopted by the masses as of the get go!

But the good news is, you DO NOT NEED EVERYONE! That’s not how the innovation curve works.


The innovation curve

The innovation curve, which defines how an innovation gets adopted, starts with (drumroll!), the innovators. These are the people who are in the know and who you don’t need to convince. They already love you! They are the ones who will wait in line for hours to be the first to get hold of your product. Or the ones that like your latest post within seconds of you putting it up.

The bad news is that they only represent about 2.5% of your potential market. But they are your tribe. They are the ones that will be so excited by what you have to offer that they will talk about you to their friends and family!

Define them as narrowly as possible. The more niche the better. The trick is to know them as well as you know your best friend or partner: what are their fears and deepest desires? What frustrates them? What are their behaviors and habits? And most importantly, what do they believe that you also believe?

Then, create a sense of community. Foster an ambassador mindset. Make it easy for them to talk about your brand and to forward your purpose.


Growing your tribe

The innovators then give way to the early adopters. Your tribe is growing! And the great news is that the early adopters represent the next 13.5% of the innovation curve. Once you have connected with your early adopters, you can then reach the magical 16% that is the tipping point needed to enable mass adoption.

This won’t happen overnight though! It will require patience and a lot of nurturing of your tribe. But if you do it right, that’s when you will evolve mindsets, shift consumption habits, and make a real change in the world.


Evolving society

Think back to when Tesla first launched its fully electric car. At first, it was for a niche elite. There were no public charging stations. The price was inaccessible to many. But as the tribe grew, so did the development of the electric eco-system. Now, not only is Tesla available and accepted by the early majority, but most other car manufacturers offer a competitive alternative and legislation is evolving to push the late majority to adoption in the coming years.


Tesla innovation curve


Deep connection

Purpose-led marketing is no longer about broad audiences and mass media to convert to sales. It is about fostering trust, creating deep connections and nurturing your relationship with those who believe what we believe. Those who love you will talk about you. And that’s how you start your movement.

This is how we build the brands of tomorrow.

Download Your Free Guide


The first step on your journey to positive impact is anchoring in a clear and compelling brand purpose. To help you do just that, we have a FREE purpose guide that walks you through the questions and steps that will enable you to articulate your brand purpose.



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